Keep chasing your dreams.
Keep putting one foot in front of the other and soon you’ll be able to see just how far you’ve come.
Whenever we set out to achieve something, we know we won’t arrive there straight away.
We head out with our head held high, full of energy and inspiration.
Along the way it can feel tough.
But this post is your sign to not give up and to keep your eyes on the prize.
Also take a moment to congratulate yourself for what you’ve achieved so far.
Optional >Share what motivates you ie goals, family, making a difference etc<
Optional >share an inspiring story of your own about overcoming or reaching goals<
Optional >Ask followers what motivates them<
Keep putting one foot in front of the other and soon you’ll be able to see just how far you’ve come.
Whenever we set out to achieve something, we know we won’t arrive there straight away.
We head out with our head held high, full of energy and inspiration.
Along the way it can feel tough.
But this post is your sign to not give up and to keep your eyes on the prize.
Also take a moment to congratulate yourself for what you’ve achieved so far.
Optional >Share what motivates you ie goals, family, making a difference etc<
Optional >share an inspiring story of your own about overcoming or reaching goals<
Optional >Ask followers what motivates them<
Stories Suggestions
Slide 1- Poll
Q How’s your current motivation levels?
A Amazing
B Really low
C Needs a boost
Slide 2 - Share Post Need some motivation?
Sticker – Read this
Slide 3 - Share answers to poll
Q How’s your current motivation levels?
A Amazing
B Really low
C Needs a boost
Slide 2 - Share Post Need some motivation?
Sticker – Read this
Slide 3 - Share answers to poll