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Easter Daisies fresh flowers


Long weekends call for:
💚Slow Mornings
💚Fresh flowers
💚Naps on the lounge
💚Copious cups of tea or coffee (or in the spirit of easter maybe hot chocolate)
💚Spending time with the people you love

There is so much to love about looooonnngg weekends as you fill up your cup and take some time for you.

I/ we love to >>>insert what you do on long weekends<<<


Slide 1- Long weekends call for you to stop and fill up your cup and take some time for you.

How can you do this?
Slide 2-
💚Slow Mornings
Slide 3-
💚Fresh flowers
Slide 4-
Slide 5-
💚Naps on the lounge
Slide 6-
Slide 7-
💚Copious cups of tea or
coffee (or in the spirit of
easter maybe hot chocolate)
Slide 8-
Slide 9-
Slide 10-
Slide 11-
💚Spending time with the
people you love