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Beach Days


Beach days

There are sooooo many ways to enjoy the beach and every family does it a little different
There are families who:

πŸ– Spend most of their time on the sand
πŸ– Surf all day
πŸ– Stay at the water’s edge
πŸ– Stay from sun up to sundown families
πŸ– Cook a BBQ on the beach
πŸ– Make it extra festive with music on the beach
πŸ– Sleep on the beach families

Everyone does beach days differently

Optional >How do you spend your day at the beach?<

Optional >What’s your favourite part of beach days?<

Optional >What’s your favourite beach?<

Stories Suggestion

Slide 1 - Share Post Beach days

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Slide 2 - Text

Every family does the beach differently. Which one are you?
πŸ– Spend most of your time on the sand
πŸ– Surf all day
πŸ– Stay at the water’s edge
πŸ– Stay from sun up to sundown
πŸ– Cook a BBQ on the beach
πŸ– Make it extra festive with music on the beach
πŸ– Sleep on the beach

Slide 3 - Question Box

Q What’s your favourite beach