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General Use Captions – for businesses / influencers


Oh hey there!

Can you believe it's already x months into this year / only x weeks until x?

Yeah, me either.

Forget time simply flying when you’re having fun, I swear these days it literally zooms past faster than a toddler going for that hazard they’re not meant to touch / a memory card filling during a killer shoot / a sunny lunch break with a great book / other clever comparison to do with your niche!

Anyway, with that said. I figured it was probably not a bad time to pop in and (re)introduce myself for those of you who are new around here.

I’m preferred name. On here, you’ll mostly find me identify what you post about, but outside of this platform I’m a who you are. I love filling my days with hobby 1, hobby 2, and hobby 3, and I believe there’s no better way to end the day than with nighttime wind down routine.

I started on this journey when your catalyst to start. Since then, I’ve been building my community to where it is today.

It’s truly a pleasure to have you around and I’m excited to be on this journey with you.

I’d love to say hi. Drop a comment below introducing yourself, and be sure to tell me fact you want to know about your followers!

Written By:

"Captions don’t write themselves" Series
